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Galactus is coming to Fortnite in December

The Fortnite island is facing one of Marvel’s greatest villains, as Galactus is coming as part of the battle royale game‘s latest crossover event. The intergalactic foe will arrive early December, marking the end of the current season.

The planet-eating antagonist, one of the biggest and most fearsome in Marvel canon, will be descending on Fortnite’s map on December 1 at 13:00 PST / 16:00 EST / 21:00 GMT. His arrival will be the cataclysmic event that draws to a close Chapter 2, Season 4, and sets everything up for the next season.

Players are advised to start trying to log in at least an hour beforehand, the playlist will begin 30 minutes before formal start. These events tend to get crowded quickly, and usually Epic’s servers fill up well before things kick off for real, so if you want a front-row seat, be vigilant. It’s expected that Galactus will essentially do what the black hole did last year, and wipe out the island such that all the environments get a makeover, wiping the slate for whatever Epic has planned for Season 5. It’s also possible it might be slightly small scale, like the flood for Season 2 – either way, things won’t be the same after the cosmic entity’s visit.

Speaking on the This Week in Marvel podcast in October, Donald Mustard, worldwide creative director on Fortnite, said the plan is for “many years of Marvel integration” in Fortnite. “This is not the end, this is the beginning. We thought a really good POV-style character which could set this up [earlier this year] was Deadpool, kind of fourth-wall breaking. And then Cap in July, building up to this moment,” he said, explaining that it was the black hole that drew the giant force to the island: “We had this moment in Fortnite which happened around a year ago where… the Zero Point reorganised all the matter around the island and kind of created this new island. That’s the moment that attracted Galactus.”

If you’re unfamiliar, Galactus is a massive intergalactic entity that eats planets to give him energy and sustenance. He’s one of the biggest baddies in Marvel canon, presenting an existential threat whenever involved. He usually occurs in the comics in the same way he’s happening here, as part of a shake-up to the status quo.

Fornite Chapter 2 Season 4 is dubbed the Nexus War, bringing in a host of Marvel characters and references. Black Panther, Doctor Doom, Daredevil, and Thor were among those included as skins or Easter eggs, and there was even a line of comics. Galactus arrives to ruin everyone’s day on December 1.


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