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Fortnite: Mindwipe Bunker Jonesy, Swamp Stalker, or Human Bill

Locations for the three NPCs you need to mindwipe to complete the challenge

Want to know how to mindwipe Bunker Jonesy, Swamp Stalker, or Human Bill in Fortnite? We’re back to trying to rebel against the aliens in the popular battle royale game’s legendary challenges this week. Doctor Slone asks us to use our wily nature to get information out of the IO organisation’s computers and hack into their communications to identify an infiltrator.

Other legendary challenges this week include planting wiretaps in different key locations, collecting an access card from an IO guard, and interacting with an IO operative’s computer. These ones don’t seem all that taxing, but it does require you to break into the satellite stations scattered throughout the map.

As for this challenge, while there are three NPCs that you can mindwipe, you only need to mindwipe one to complete the challenge. Here are all three Fortnite NPC locations so you can complete this challenge quickly and move onto the final challenge for this week: to converse with characters to identify the infiltrator.



Here is where to mindwipe Bunker Jonesy, Swamp Stalker, or Human Bill in Fortnite:

  • Bunker Jonesy – inside the shack south of Misty Meadows on the other side of the mountain
  • Swamp Stalker – east of Boney Burbs, north of the crater in the centre of the map
  • Human Bill – inside Steamy Stacks

These are the locations of all three Fortnite NPCs that you can mindwipe. This week saw a new weapon introduced that’s already wrecking enemy walls, so check out our guide to learn more about the Fortnite plasma cannon. We also have this week’s Fortnite alien artifacts locations, as well as all of the Fortnite Kymera styles available to unlock.



Technology lover, SEO specialist and Programmer, I currently have several publications totaling over 15 million views, all of them Worked with advanced SEO, Information Systems Course at UFPI and I dedicate all my free time, which by the way is very little, to projects of SEO and Web development.

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